Acceptable Usage Policy
This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) should be read in conjunction with Phenomenists Internet Ltd Terms & Conditions, which
is provided to all clients when agreeing a contract for the provision of services.
The term ‘Client’ within this policy refers to the person with whom Phenomenists Internet Ltd has entered into a contractual
relationship. For the purposes of this document the term is equally applicable to resellers, channel partners and direct clients
of Phenomenists Internet Ltd.
The term ‘End User’ within this policy refers to the person or persons who are utilising a service provided by Phenomenists
Internet Ltd, whether directly or indirectly as part of a solution supplied by Phenomenists Internet Ltd.
General Guidelines Phenomenists Internet Ltd server network must not be used for sending, receiving or distributing content that:
i. constitutes offences such as sedition; forbidden extremist political propaganda; invasion of personal privacy including insult,
libel and defamation; or distribution of pornographic literature, or
ii. is indecent, defamatory, obscene or menacing or otherwise offensive, or
iii. violates a third party’s rights such as the right to bear a name, the right of personality, copyrights, competition and
trademark laws. The End User must also observe the legal provisions concerning data protection and the protection of a third
party’s privacy.
In addition to the above, the services operated by Phenomenists Internet Ltd must not be used for improper purposes.
Such improper purposes include any use that impairs the integrity and performance of the network or its parts. Misuse also
includes the use of the network for distributing, loading, storing or publishing data that could violate or impair a third party’s
rights or constitute threat or insecurity to a third party.
It is not admissible to use the services for distributing programs that serve the purpose of either causing damage to other
users or computer systems (e.g. virus infection programs) or gaining unauthorised access to other computer systems (“Trojan
Phenomenists Internet Ltd clients are responsible for taking all reasonable measures to control traffic that is sent from their
connections. It is their responsibility to ensure that all software on their side of the connection is virus-free and up-to date with
all relevant security patches.
If Phenomenists Internet Ltd find malicious traffic emanating from an End User connection, we have an obligation to our other
Clients and peering networks to take urgent measures to block that traffic by suspending the account until the issue has been
resolved. Phenomenists Internet Ltd understand that in many cases, the Client may not be responsible for or aware of a
problem, and will work with the Client to resolve the issue as efficiently as possible to restore normal service.
End Users may not mount an attack, by whatever means, against any of the Phenomenists Internet Ltd systems. End Users
may not run unauthorised mailing lists from, or through any of the Phenomenists Internet Ltd machines, or e-mail servers.
The access and authentication data that is given to the End User for access to the Phenomenists Internet Ltd network must
be protected at all times. Passwords protecting the access to the network must be kept confidential, checked and modified if
unauthorised use by a third party is suspected.
Electronic Mail
It is not admissible to distribute e-mail messages to persons not wishing to receive such messages, especially in the event
that the distribution of such electronic mail is done for the purpose of confronting a single person or numerous persons with
unwanted commercial advertising, political statements or announcements or any kind.
It is not admissible to modify or falsify the information that is contained in the header of an e-mail message or news article.
Every Client and/or End User operating an e-mail service on the Phenomenists Internet Ltd network must ensure that his/her
service cannot be used by any third party for the purpose of sending anonymous e-mail messages or distributing messages
(“foreign relaying”) that might offend against the guidelines specified herein.
Policy Changes
Phenomenists Internet Ltd reserves the right to amend this Acceptable Use Policy in line with changes in the Internet Service
Provider sector.